Official Cashmere Centre Discount and Voucher Codes


Looking for a voucher code to redeem on your next Cashmere Centre purchase?

From time to time, we use promotional codes to offer things like discounts or free delivery. We don’t use discount voucher code sites to promote our offers and sales, but we do regularly have offers sent to our customers through our catalogue, emails, and social channels.

There is a high chance if you have found a discount or offer code online through a discount code website that is not one of our sites - that it will not actually work. The only guaranteed offers and discount codes will come directly from us. Be sure to follow our social media profiles, sign up to our email newsletter and our free catalogue to be the first to know about any upcoming promotional codes in your inbox or on your doorstep.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I redeem a voucher code online?

When we send out promotions either via email or catalogue, or often in the national press – all you need to do is add the eligible products to your basket, and when on our checkout to enter the offer code in the box provided, and press ‘Apply’, if the code is applicable the discount will be applied to your purchase total.

What if the offer code doesn’t work?

If the voucher didn’t work online, please double check the spelling and capitalisation of the code and that it matches correctly what you have entered. If the problem persists, please give us a quick call to let us know, we will investigate and help you with processing the voucher and your order. Knowing where you saw the offer Date/Newspaper/Email etc. will help us find this faster.

What if I forgot to add a discount offer code?

Please give us a quick call, we will do our best to ensure that your discounted price is all you pay. We cannot guarantee we can refund or process an offer code retrospectively but get in contact with our customer service team and we will do our best!

Can I use more than one offer at a time?

Individual offer codes do not work with any other offer or promotion, unfortunately you can only use one of our offer codes per purchase so choose the best offer!

Can I use a promotional code on sale items?

Most of our offer codes work on full priced items only. Check the associated terms and conditions to be sure, or call us we’ll be happy to help.

What’s the difference between a gift card and a discount code?

Gift cards are a payment method rather than a reduction of an items price. Gift cards can be used in conjunction with offer codes, please call us to ensure this is processed easily for you.


To receive our Cashmere Centre Offers & Promotions straight to your inbox or door,

Sign Up for our Cashmere Centre Email Newsletter and Free Catalogue here!